Cailabs Academy Season #1: TILBA®
This first series of 4 episodes focuses on light and how we can manipulate it, on spatial modes, MPLC, and overall, on how Cailabs can improve laser communication through the atmosphere.
Episode #1: Introduction to Laser Communications
In this first episode, we describe the drivers to deploy lasercom and which elements are still missing:
Episode #2: Travelling through turbulence
In this second episode, we explore the relationship between modes and atmospheric turbulence:
Episode #3: Return of the MPLC
In this third episod, find out how the Cailabs technology MPLC (Multi-Plane Light Conversion) can improve laser communication…
Episode #4: Recombination game
In this fourth (and last) episod, see how we can recombine signals from multiple fibers into one…
By David Allioux
David Allioux, who holds a Ph.D. in optics from the University of Lyon, joined Cailabs in 2018. As a project and product manager, he is in charge of the development and integration of telecommunication R&D solutions. He also brings his expertise to develop and commercialize the laser communication product line.
Our Other Articles:
Exceeding Throughput Limits with Laser Communications
The challenges of e-mobility: Welding busbars
Flying further with beam shaping
From the Volkswagen Golf to the Tesla Model 3: How Lasers Are Shaping the Automotive Industry?
Space Optical Communications: Why Are Space-to-ground Links Taking Time to Develop?