
Providing broadband to a local municipal network with AROONA

City of Montmagny, France

City Of Montmagny, France
The issue

Due to growing bandwidth requirements, the city of Montmagny needed to upgrade from 1 Gb/s to 10 Gb/s. With no available conduits, and due to the complexity involved in rewiring, the city wasn’t in a position to change its current OM1 multimode cables to singlemode cables. In this case, AROONA-STAR was the most appropriate solution.

The AROONA solution

To avoid complex and costly fiber-optic cable rewiring works, the city of Montmagny opted for the passive AROONA-STAR solution from Cailabs, which made it possible to re-use the existing multimode infrastructure to provide broadband links, without doing renovation work.

The benefits of the solution
  • 50% savings compared to the cost of upgrading the infrastructure by rewiring
  • Half day needed for the installation to obtain 3 pairs of multimode broadband cables
  • 10 Gb/s bandwidth instead of the 1 Gb/s restriction

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