
Light Conversion and Cailabs demonstrate the compatibility of the CARBIDE laser with the CANUNDA-PULSE beam shaper

Light Conversion, Lithuania

Light Conversion
The partner

Light Conversion is a Lithuanian company and pioneer in femtosecond laser technologies. With state-of-the-art R&D facilities and close ties to research programs, Light Conversion develops, designs and manufactures femtosecond laser sources for various industrial, scientific and medical applications.

The application

Laser micromachining encompasses numerous processes for parts manufacturing and surface treatment on a micrometer scale, such as micro-cutting, micro-drilling, surface texturing and micro-welding.

Ultrashort pulse lasers allow these micromachining processes to be carried out athermally and with high precision.

The issue

The main challenge of laser micromachining is increasing process productivity while maintaining high quality and precision for industrial use. Top-hat beam shaping is a promising solution because it can generate an extremely small beam with a very homogeneous energy profile and sharp edges, ensuring maximum efficiency of the available energy.

The CANUNDA-PULSE solution

CANUNDA-PULSE is a high-quality top-hat beam shaper. Based on Cailabs’ patented MPLC technology, its completely reflective design was conceived to handle high-power femtosecond pulses with great stability. Mode filtering is implemented on the module to ensure effective operation, even with laser source instability.

“The CARBIDE laser and the CANUNDA-PULSE shaping module are innovative systems that can meet many industry needs. It was important to demonstrate the compatibility of these systems, which we achieved. The next step will be to conduct tests in our application labs in Lithuania.

Jean-François Poisson, Industrial Market Development Manager at Light Conversion

Industrial integration of CANUNDA-PULSE

To confirm their compatibility, the CANUNDA-PULSE module and Light Conversion’s CARBIDE laser were installed on an optical bench. The CANUNDA-PULSE output beam was imaged using a camera, making it possible to characterize the quality of the top hat profile generated.

Image 9

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