Microprocessing with a multi-plane light conversion beam shaper and a femtosecond laser at 515nm
Photonics West 2023
Authors: Clément Jacquard1, Kathrin Placzek2, Daniel Holder2, Dmitry Nuzhdin1, Mahmoud Ziat1, Ivan Gusachenko1, Gwenn Pallier1, Guillaume Labroille1
1- Cailabs, Rennes, FRANCE
2- Institut für Strahlwerkzeuge (IFSW), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, GERMANY
We describe how to improve micro-processing using Second Harmonic Generation of a Ultra-Short Pulse laser combined with a Multi-Plane Light Conversion beam-shaper.
Manufacturing at 515nm presents advantages compared to 1030nm : extended depth of field, higher sharpness, and higher ablation efficiency for some materials. The beam-shaper provides a square top-hat with a 1/10 sharpness and an extended depth of field up to 10 times higher compared to other beam-shaping technologies.
We describe process results of different metal samples: LIPSS generation with a 100µm square targeting a period down to 0,5µm and holes drilling holes of a diameter smaller than 10µm.