Industrial Laser Processing Filtre


What are the different shapes you can get with your modules?


How should I position the waist when I align my Axicon?  

The waist position has no importance

How to position my AXICON in my set-up?

1. Meplat parallel to the incident plan.
2. The incident beam must have a 15° orientation towards the AXICON (like in the following pictures)

What is the impact of changing the AXICON angle on the beam dimensions and energy?
How do I know what AXICON should I use?

PULSE (module specifications)

Do you do dynamic beam shaping?
Do you have a UV version of your module?
I can’t reach the maximum transmission available, why is that and what can I do?
What is the maximum transmission achievable through the mode cleaner?
How do I know I reached the targeted top-hat quality?

You can check your plateau uniformity. The module specification for plateau uniformity is <0.20. The lower the plateau uniformity, the better is your top-hat. (The plateau uniformity measures how uniformly energy or intensity is distributed across a target area).

What is the mode cleaner? Does the module being tested include both mode cleaning and beam shaping?

Yes, the module includes both mode cleaning and beam shaping, ensuring a constant top-hat profile even if the alignment is not perfect or if the input beam is not a perfect gaussian. We also have a mode cleaning module only if you need to stabilize your beam during the process.


What size should be the beam at the input of the module?  

The input beam must be 750 um (for all modules delivered after January 2024)

PULSE (Set-up)

Why do we need a 4f configuration system? How to configure the 4f imaging system?

You need a 4f configuration for the imaging system to propagate the top-hat and create the adequate magnification to have the right top hat size in the process plan.


What can I do if my top-hat rotates after the scanner?
Is the proposed solution compatible with my scanner?
What information do you need if we want to reach out to you?


Is beam splitting working in nanosecond processing?
Will I have enough power with my current laser source when splitting the beam?

You have 90% transmission in the pattern, that will be divided in each beamlet. However, it will depend on your laser and the application you intend to do.

What is the minimum distance achievable between two cavities?
How many cavities is it possible to process at once?
Does the system have an impact on polarization?​

No, whatever polarization you have as an input, you will have the same after our splitting module.

​Is it possible to rotate the configuration?​

Yes, on standard configuration we have both vertical and horizontal configuration, and we can also have a customized rotation angle on demand.​

What can I do to change the pitch and spot size?
I want a different pitch from the one on your standard specification, how can I do?​
Do I need to use a mode-cleaner to compensate my laser instabilities?

The module can be used without a mode-cleaner. Our system is very tolerant and can work even with instabilities.​

Is the system working in a dynamic way?​

No, the system presents a multi static operation mode.

What beam patterns are available for the Canunda SPLIT module?