– PULSE: Round, Square, line, Custom shape (U-shape, triangle,etc…)
– HP: Donut or ring, Square, Line, M-shape, Core+Ring (different power ratios), Custom shape
– AXICON: Bessel beam, Z-flat
For more information, you can check our brochures on our website.
For custom shapes, please contact us.
FAQ - Industrial Laser Processing

The waist position has no importance
1. Meplat parallel to the incident plan.
2. The incident beam must have a 15° orientation towards the AXICON (like in the following pictures)
The higher the axicon angle, the smaller the Bessel beam. However, this comes with lower effective energy and additional constraints on the optical setup.
Try our AXICON Calculator
You can find the right AXICON angle needed for your process by using our AXICON calculator on our website.
Check our AXICON calculator
PULSE (module specifications)
You can check our PULSE brochure on our website:
Chech out the PULSE brochure
Dynamic beam shaping is part of our custom products. Please contact us for more information.
Contact us
We can do a custom UV PULSE module according to your needs.
Please contact us if it is the case.
Contact us
Various factors can affect your transmission:
– Check the waist position
– Check the alignment of the module
– Check that the beam is not clipped along the propagation (check each aperture)
– Check that the optics are clean.
– There might be a problem with the beam quality
Chech out the PULSE Installation Guide
Please contact us if you cannot reach the targeted transmission.
Contact us
You should get at least 70% transmission in green. You can get more than 80 % transmission in green.
You should get at least 80% transmission in green. You can get more than 90 % transmission in IR.
UV modules are custom products. Please contact us if you want more information.
Contact us
You can check your plateau uniformity. The module specification for plateau uniformity is <0.20. The lower the plateau uniformity, the better is your top-hat. (The plateau uniformity measures how uniformly energy or intensity is distributed across a target area).
Yes, the module includes both mode cleaning and beam shaping, ensuring a constant top-hat profile even if the alignment is not perfect or if the input beam is not a perfect gaussian. We also have a mode cleaning module only if you need to stabilize your beam during the process.
The input beam must be 750 um (for all modules delivered after January 2024)
PULSE (Set-up)
You need a 4f configuration for the imaging system to propagate the top-hat and create the adequate magnification to have the right top hat size in the process plan.
There can be a rotation of the top-hat according to the scanner you are using. Please contact us if it is the case, we have solutions that help you correct the rotation induced.
Contact us
Yes it is compatible with any type of scanner. Note that the less the top-hat needed is small, the bigger the NA of your scanner must be. Please contact us, and give us your scanner model so we can verify the feasibility of your process.
Contact us
You can fill out a form on our website, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.
Contact us
Our module works for any pulse regime, from ns, to ps to fs.
Please fill a form with your specifications (maximum energy and laser power intended to use) on our website so we can confirm the feasibility.
Check the SPLIT calculator
Configure your custom solution
You have 90% transmission in the pattern, that will be divided in each beamlet. However, it will depend on your laser and the application you intend to do.
You can check this information on our SPLIT-calculator on our website.
Check the SPLIT calculator
It depends on the pattern. Please refer to the standard patterns in our brochure. Check out the SPLIT brochure
Customization is possible. If you don’t find the pattern you’re looking for, you can fill out a form on our website, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. Configure your custom solution
No, whatever polarization you have as an input, you will have the same after our splitting module.
Yes, on standard configuration we have both vertical and horizontal configuration, and we can also have a customized rotation angle on demand.
By changing the input beam diameter, you change the ratio between pitch and spot size.
You can check the SPLIT-calculator on our website.
Check the SPLIT calculator
Customization is possible, you can contact us by filling out a form on our website with the required specifications.
Configure your custom solution
The module can be used without a mode-cleaner. Our system is very tolerant and can work even with instabilities.
No, the system presents a multi static operation mode.
You will find standard patterns in our brochure.
For custom patterns, please contact us.