Successful initial tests of the KERAUNOS optical communications satellite

Publication date: 10 September 2024
Projet Keraunos

Paris, September 10, 2024 – This experiment is the result of a collaboration between the French Defense Innovation Agency (AID), part of the French armament directorate (DGA), and two French New Space companies, Unseenlabs and Cailabs. Together, they succeeded in establishing a stable laser link over several minutes, demonstrating the tracking of the nano-satellite in low orbit by the optical ground station and the establishment of a closed-loop laser link.

The optical link offers several advantages over traditional radio links, including greater speed, enhanced discretion, and independence from radio spectrum coordination regulations. However, it can sometimes be disrupted by atmospheric turbulence, which KERAUNOS is tasked with mitigating to ensure optimal transmission quality.

KERAUNOS combines the expertise of Rennes-based companies Unseenlabs and Cailabs:

This success makes it possible to use space-based laser communications on mobile, land-based, naval, and airborne platforms. This system could be integrated into the Ministry of Defense’s future satellite systems. The KERAUNOS project contributes to the objectives of the 2024-2030 Military Programming Law, which aims to strengthen France’s presence and capabilities in space.

I am delighted with the success of this first optical communications test with the KERAUNOS satellite, the first demonstrator initiated by the French Innovation Agency in the space sector. Our aim is to achieve the same level of success with our future projects, drawing on the creativity and ingenuity of companies from France’s burgeoning New Space ecosystem.

— Patrick Aufort, Director of the French Defense Innovation Agency

The KERAUNOS experiment is a success story that forms part of the ‘Optical Communication’ technology roadmap of the French Defense Innovation Agency’s ‘New Space’ priority theme, launched in 2021. This success is the result of the investment and exceptional know-how of Unseenlabs and Cailabs.

— Jean-Michel Parlier, Head of Space Innovation at the French Defense Innovation Agency

The success of this optical communication test completes the validation of Cailabs’ range of optical ground stations. It supports Cailabs’ proposal to our customers to provide a proven industrial ground station solution. This success also confirms the ability of New Space companies like Cailabs to quickly and efficiently develop ambitious systems for the armed forces.

— Jean-François Morizur, CEO and co-founder of Cailabs

This success reflects Unseenlabs’ ability to quickly deliver a complex, fully functional system into orbit. Combining the performance of Unseenlabs’ system and satellite architectures with Cailabs’ optical innovations paves the way for faster and safer communications.

— Jonathan Galic, CTO and co-founder of Unseenlabs

About Unseenlabs

Unseenlabs is the world’s leading provider of radio frequency (RF) data and solutions for maritime surveillance. Its unique proprietary technology can geolocate and characterise any vessel at sea, at any time, anywhere in the world and in any weather condition. Unseenlabs provides its customers with high value-added data and solutions to combat illegal activities at sea. Unseenlabs’ solutions are a world reference in this field.